Round table discussion of Weather Impact report during webinar

Weather Impact heeft onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de wisselwerking tussen weer- en klimaatmodellen en de energietransitie. In deze studie zijn de behoeften en vragen van de energiesector op het gebied van meteorologie en klimaat geïnventariseerd en is de relevante kennis in het meteorologische vakgebied in kaart gebracht.

Linking unserved energy to weather regimes

Some weather regimes have been shown to have an impact on the availability of renewables. At the same time these events could be no issue for the European power system when other sources are available. We’ve combined synchronous meteorological inputs …

Detection of critical events in renewable energy production time series

The introduction of more renewable energy sources into the energy system increases the variability and weather dependence of electricity generation. Power system simulations are used to assess the adequacy and reliability of the electricity grid over …

Zone energie uit de woestijn?

Deze week weer veel klimaatnieuws. Zo stelt het KNMI dat de zeespiegel waarschijnlijk meer stijgt dan verwacht. En komend weekend begint de VN klimaattop in Glasgow. Om te praten over oplossingen.

Climate change in adequacy assessments

A number of methods to take climate change into account when assessing system adeqaucy where presented at this workshop. This workshop was organised by Guidehouse Germany in cooperation with r2b energy consulting, and Compass Lexicon for the …

Detection of critical events in renewable energy production time series

The introduction of more renewable energy sources into the energy system increases the variability and weather dependence of electricity generation. Power system simulations are used to assess the adequacy and reliability of the electricity grid over decades, but often become computational intractable for such long simulation periods with high technical detail.

CollegeTour: the ACDC-ESM project

As part of the introduction of the new master students of the Graduate School of Natural Sciences (GSNS) of Utrecht University dr. ing. Marjan van der Akker and I where invited to presented our work within the ACDC-ESM project.

The Navier-Stokes equations and how they drive climate models

To introduce the dr. Ing. Machteld van den Broek's energy-group to the intricacy of climate models I've provided a short introductory presentation into climate physics and on how the Navier-Stokes equations and their solutions under specific …

Detection of critical events in renewable energy data

Poster presentation on running research project regarding the automated detection of critical events in renewable energy data.


Algorithmic Computing and Data mining for Climate integrated Energy System Models